Thursday, March 24, 2011

Book of Ruth #1

Over the month of February my church did a series on the book of Ruth titled, "Songs of Love". It was split into I think a 5 part series but I can't find my church bulletin for week there may only be 4 but for some reason I think there was 5.


I was pumped up about this series. I have always wanted to study the Book of Ruth, but never have. Not sure why. Either way, I couldn't wait. I have told you before about my church and how awesome the music is. Well, for these series' they picked fun songs to lead into the regular worship music. Since the Book of Ruth was split into several weeks, each week there was a a focus theme. Week #1 was Faithfulness. So this awesome choir member sang this song, this is the actual video from the service. Love it! His name is Donovan Duke, I encourage you to follow him on you tube.

Wasn't that awesome? I seriously think he should be on American Idol.

Ok, back to Ruth.

I knew that the book of Ruth was a love story, but I think I expected a twilight version. Boy, was I wrong! LOL! However, I still loved the series and learned so much.

Being Faithful.

Faithfulness- a conviction based in truth that shows up in action.

Nancy Reagan was once quoted, " A woman is like a tea bag; you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. " I love that, and I think that has a lot to do with faithfulness.

From church bulletin- 'In every relationship, particularly marriage, there are times when those in the relationship must be faithful, regardless of the challenge.' In my opinion this doesn't mean infidelity. This means every day faithfulness. faithfulness to BE THERE.
Thick and thin. Better or worse.
My challenge every week is going to church alone. Just me and Hayden. I love it once I am there and in my seat, but I strongly dislike walking into the church and walking to my seat alone. There is even more uncomfortableness when a couple sits on my row pretty close to me. I feel like everyone is looking at me wondering why I am alone. Truth is, my husband would go with me if asked, but that is not the right reason is it? He still goes occasionaly, but a majority of the time I am alone. I have struggled in the past with this, but you know what. God is always there for me, and he teaches me faithfulness. I will be there for my husband. I will pray for him diligently, I will be praying for his spirit. I will not pray that he goes to church with me because that is selfish. I will pray for his spirit and for God to lay something on his heart.
Psalm 37:4 He will provide all the desires of your heart.
The hardest thing for us as followers is to realize that God will provide, only, in his time. Not mine.
Stay tuned for Week two of the Book of Ruth: the song of Grace.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Couch to 5k, round 2!

I graduated the Couch to 5k program back in October. I continued to run for about 2-3 more weeks. Then I lightly sprained my ankle and got shin splints, and used that as an excuse to quit. I am so VERY mad at myself. I had worked up to 3 miles. I had lost 42 pounds, I can't believe that I quit!

Well, today started day 1 of my restart of the C25k program. I am 15-20 pounds heavier, but I was able to finish it. was HARD! I can't believe i am saying that. Sad day. Hopefully I can stay strong like I did before. I would like to run the Polish Pickle Run 5k, at the end of June. *heres to hoping I can finish this.

The app has changed sooo much since I did it last fall. It now has a built in Pace, and Distance feature. Love it!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I didn't make this video, however, I absolutely LOVE it!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I'm such a Brainiac!

Hayden has been attending her little Private Montessori preschool now, for almost two years. She has learned so much and I am thinking of letting her stay there for Kindergarten. She still has one more year of Pre-K before Kinder, but she is already surpassing the Pre-K standards. I give all this credit to her wonderful school, well, and to me! teehee!

Back to my 'Smart' moment.

Hayden's school is housed in a church that is selling their building due to low member numbers. If her school does not find another building, they will be forced to close permanently.

I have been in contact with her director trying to give ideas on where they could move to. She expressed her issues with the codes that they had to follow being an all day school. Such as a sprinkler system etc. I listened and still the wheels in my mind were turning. Two weeks later I was picking Hayden up and had a friend from work with me in the car, she asked, "why is it so hard for them to find a building?", I replied, " some silly code about a sprinkler system, I mean, who really cares if they have green grass or not". My friend began to laugh hysterically and could not talk from her chuckles...she began to point to the roof. It then dawned on wasn't a sprinkler system it was a FIRE sprinkler system they needed. LOL! I felt sooo stupid! But it was soo funny, and I am still laughing at my MOMENT of pure Smartness!

I have been distraught over this. I have no idea where I would send her that would give her the education she is getting now. I am also sad for their legacy, they have been in business for 33 years. It is just an awesome school. I have looked into other places that in my opinion are close to the same in their educational expectations, and my tuition rate would increase by $5oo! Which is worth it, if her school doesn't not find another building. Right now, there is a good lead on a building and I pray that all works out!!