Sunday, March 20, 2011

Couch to 5k, round 2!

I graduated the Couch to 5k program back in October. I continued to run for about 2-3 more weeks. Then I lightly sprained my ankle and got shin splints, and used that as an excuse to quit. I am so VERY mad at myself. I had worked up to 3 miles. I had lost 42 pounds, I can't believe that I quit!

Well, today started day 1 of my restart of the C25k program. I am 15-20 pounds heavier, but I was able to finish it. was HARD! I can't believe i am saying that. Sad day. Hopefully I can stay strong like I did before. I would like to run the Polish Pickle Run 5k, at the end of June. *heres to hoping I can finish this.

The app has changed sooo much since I did it last fall. It now has a built in Pace, and Distance feature. Love it!

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